Friday, October 24, 2008

a poem

This moment here
beside you
as you speak
and one moment stretches out.

I taste my lips.
They feel heated.

The heat of the cigarette
we have shared
lingers on, in each of its
small folds and puckers
long after the source is gone.

I know I will feel
it tomorrow
and think of you.

The silence bends around us
and I can sense
we've snatched a time
from the world.
From routine and industry.
From habit.

I lay down on
the floor,
a pillow at my head
hypnotised by the movement
of the fan above.

The music behind us
now speaks a language
that the walls and
the humming air around
us do.

The light flickers over me
and I close my eyes
and remember to
feel with all of my
And I fall into dreams
hoping to keep
my rendezvous
with you.
As the air begins
to sing in my ear.


Ruchita Madhok said...

we have a new poet in the making!
i see great filmmaking potential in this one ma dear...what u say?

Junuka said...

wah great great akhila.pls upload more poems now.chuck other nonsense

still water said...

I say...:) perhaps the film is already made, in a manner of speaking... and yeah, I wish I could only do this all the time and leave work behind...sigh...

ether said...

i have lots of questions to ask.

syncronicity said...

wow, a poem. a love poem, well almost. hmmmm.